

I was in a terrible mood yesterday, and then it completely switched around. There are a lot of things going on in my head right now, and I'm not really at liberty to talk about them...but things are going to be different...I can tell.

I spent most of the evening putting together a playlist of dancey songs, and making a photobucket for a lot of the pictures I've found over time. I then went outside and laid in the driveway while watching the sunrise and listening to music. It was incredible.

Now I am covered in stickers (the papery nice kind, not the painful ouchy kind).

Also, boys are neat sometimes.



I've never been much of a fan of myself. Hell, I've always been quite the critic....but suddenly, I feel an immense deal of purpose.

And it is incredibly beautiful and gratifying.
I did not expect to ever feel this way, but I don't want it to stop.

Pain comes and pain goes. Bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people. It switches out, and balance and harmony are achieved. There is no telling why things happen the way they do, but they do anyway. The best you can do is try to work with what you have, and know that it's going to be okay in the end.

This song will always make me euphoric.