

It's interesting, in my opinion, to think about objects. All objects are vessels for memories. Even the smallest of objects works this way. For example, think of the remnants of a cigarette you see in a parking lot somewhere. To you, it's just trash. To someone else, it might have been a cigarette to calm down after a really stressful day. Or maybe it was their last cigarette, and then they were quitting. Maybe it was some kid's first cigarette, experiencing that moment for the first time...something they'll always remember. Look at a chair in your living room. Someone had to dream up the creative idea for it. Someone made the executive decision to make it look the way it did, and they did so for some reason. That person maybe had a family, and there's so many more memories tied to that.

Everything has so many different paths of memories that follow it, and everyone sees things so differently from the rest of the world.

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